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PUNA Pasopati, the wing is an important part to generate lift. However, the magnitude of the lift force must be able to be resisted by the wing structure. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine the most optimal material and thickness of the spar structure, ribs, and front reinformence leading edge on the PUNA Pasopati wing. This research conducted static tests on the wing structure with skin construction, front reinforcement leading edge, ribs, and spars using the finite element method. static tests were conducted with material and thickness variations on the spar, ribs, and front reinforcement leading edge structures. In material variations, carbon fiber reinforced plastic is stronger than plywood. Displacement on the wing with carbon fiber reinforced plastic material is 61.03% smaller than plywood, but the wing with plywood material weighs 68.43% lighter than carbon fiber reinforced plastic. However, the plywood material gets a safety factor value of 1.15 which means below the limit of the safety factor value of 1.5. Thus, the wing with carbon fiber reinforced plastic material for PUNA Pasopati is more optimal than plywood. The higher the thickness of the ribs, spar, front reinforcement leading edge structure, the smaller the displacement and stress on the wing. Although the 1 mm thickness has the highest displacement and stress values, it still has a safety factor value above the limit. Thus, a thickness of 1 mm is the most optimal.
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I. P. H. Prayogo, F. J. Manoppo, and L. I. Lefrandt, "Pemanfaatan teknologi unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) quadcopter dalam pemetaan digital (fotogrametri) menggunakan kerangka ground control point (GCP)," Jurnal Ilmiah Media Engineering, 2020.
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M. G. Suada, H. Syamsudin, and F. S. Pranoto, "Perhitungan beban pada sayap pesawat terbang latih APS 1 untuk keperluan perancangan struktur," 2023.
W. Hadipratomo, Dasar-dasar Metode Elemen Hingga, 1st ed. PT Danamartha Sejahtera Utama, 2005.